E L E V 8

the transformational program for minority individuals who want to be heard, respected, valued and rewarded in their professional lives.

Self fulfilment www.vocalisecoaching.com

Elev8 is a transformative 8 week personal and professional development programme that connects individuals to their true identity.

The programme is suitable for anyone seeking a deeper connection in their life and to achieve professional success:

  • Connect with your true purpose

  • Build core confidence and lasting self esteem

  • Discover your voice and your communication strengths

  • Earn recognition, respect and a higher income

  • Rebalance your thinking and feel naturally positive

  • Feel great in your own skin and a renewed sense of Self

  • Develop an ability to speak to audiences and speak with passion

  • Cultivate healthier wellness habits

  • Feel optimistic about the future

The programmehas been built around some key questions that often arise within, such as:

“Who am I?”

“What is my place in this world?”

 “Where is my life heading?”

 “When will I be noticed”

 “Why am I stuck?”

The programme guides participants through a transformative process where they are required to dig within, yet MOVE FORWARD. It empowers them with the tools to become accountable and find the answers to such questions, and then walk towards a more fulfilling, achieving future.

For those struggling to share their ideas and opinions, whether raising their hand in a meeting or taking the microphone in larger attended events, the work participants do on the programme encourages them to discover hidden communication strengths, build on weaker areas and inspires them to speak with authenticity and confidence. It is not unusual to begin to enjoy public speaking on completion of the programme.

For individuals seeking career progression, who find themselves stuck, whether due to an imposed ceiling or inability to get noticed, the programme helps them break through the barriers they feel are in their way. It is adaptable to each participant and therefore helps trainees understand how to engage with, and present, the best of themselves in order to attract exciting opportunities, better clients, a higher income and how to truly shine in the workplace.

Success www.vocalisecoaching.com

It’s for you if you have reached a time in your life where you feel you’re just not moving forward at the pace you would like, yet you know you have great potential: you might feel like there is a transparent wall in front of you; you can see your dreams and where you want to go, but perhaps you just cannot seem to get past the barrier. You may be tired of never hitting your goals, never earning what you’re worth, never achieving the respect and recognition you deserve.

Why deny yourself entry to the future you deserve?

Some crucial questions to ask yourself:

- Do you ever feel you are not getting noticed positively?

- Do you worry about not meeting expectations – even when you receive praise?

- Is it hard to voice your ideas?

- Are you in fear of being discovered as not capable?

- Have you ever turned down opportunities due to self doubt?

- Do you feel frustrated that other people are moving ahead faster?

- Do you feel stuck, bored or demotivated?

- Do you worry that you will regret not trying to make your dreams happen?

- Are you committed to changing your future?

ELEV8 RECAP: the 8 week Personal & Professional Transformation Programme

This uplifting, constructive and empowering coaching is a great eye opener and all about getting you to take steps towards where you really want and need to be; where you feel energised, worthy, making a difference and passionate about what you do every day. And you will be doing it with world class support every step of the way.

High achieving woman

In this time you will really understand:

1. what your strengths are;

2. how to attract opportunities;

3. what has been holding you back and how to avoid it;

4. how to make positive change happen in your career and your life;

5. how to speak with authenticity, confidence and charm.


Who it is for:

Smart, motivated people; untapped rising stars; who want to take a big leap in their profession, gain control of their lives and feel inspired about getting up and going to work each day.


What else it helps with:

• Identifying the career that suits you best; finding your passion;

• Promoting your most sellable qualities;

• Being noticed in the right way;

• Seeking promotion;

• Recognising your worth and market value;

• Increasing your income;

• Negotiating skills;

• Landing a new role that best serves your career goals;

• Transitioning into a new job;

• Reduce a negative inner voice and overcome self limiting beliefs

• Transforming your thoughts, your language and how you feel about yourself;

• Becoming a better public speaker

• Building fulfilling relationships;

• Finding a positive outcome to a stressful work situation.



The programme is 8 weeks duration and follows a focused, step by step process that guides you through:


1. Working out the issues you wish to change.

2. Understanding which goals are going to give you the best future prospects.

3. Identifying exactly what is holding you back and how you will get past those barriers.

4. Realising what your true strengths are and where your passion lies;

5. Completing exercises that will:

- build healthy self esteem;

- emotional resilience;

- get rid of the self doubts;

- help you stand out positively;

- improve your communication ability to make the best impact on others;

6. Achieving your main goals: promotion/new job/changes in your workload/recognition/network building/professional qualifications/nailing public speaking/performing well at interviews/improving professional relationships/turning a passion into a career/self recognition/confidence.


The process is a self revealing and progressive experience that requires 100% commitment from you to see the lasting change in your circumstances.


You will go from letting life happen to you to taking over the steering wheel of your personal and professional journey – what could be more fulfilling and liberating?


Taking part in the programme is rewarding from the start; it’s also a safe time and space for you to work on enhancing your self awareness and shifting your perception towards the realisation that you are capable and deserving of reaching higher.


To find out more and to see if we think you would be a good fit for the program, book a free breakthrough consultation call below:

I cannot recommend this programme highly enough, yet, I shall try!
Elev8 was one the best investments I made on myself and for myself. I vividly remember coming in contact with this amazing opportunity one late evening while scrolling through Facebook. I had been praying for weeks for some sort of help, for some guidance in how to quiet that very unkind voice in my head and empower the go getter in me.
In theory I knew it all, hours and hours of reading, following successful women in a variety of fields, listening to podcasts and following all the 5, 7 and 10 step programmes to unleash your potential! But I was missing something. I knew where I wanted to go but when it came to taking actions and ripping the benefits of my hard-work, I would fail short. I would convince myself that it was too soon, I just needed another Diploma or certification, if I just read a few more books and, worked a little bit harder...
Pimmi and, her team supported me in visualizing, creating and maintaining a bridge between my Higher Self and the physical world. Long story short, I went for being over worked and under paid to having two jobs offers from major companies within my field. I knew my worth and was driven to let them know it too. I was honest and straightforward with what I had to offer and the compensation and benefits that would match my input into the company. Each recruiter and HR representative thank me and offered me what I asked for and, sometimes even more!
It works. It really does. Fight the fear, trust Pimmi, she will be by your side. She will deliver every day. She will make sure you elevate to the point that you will not accept anything that does not match your worth!
Plus, the benefits from the programme are lasting, it is an investment for life that will repay itself tenfold!
Be brave, honour your dreams and, see you soon on the other side!
— Carla, Lead Analyst in a Fintech company
Pimmi has been instrumental in helping to kick start my professional career. As someone entering the working environment for the first time, I found myself struggling to adapt to my surroundings. I found it difficult speaking in meetings and interacting with my colleagues. Pimmi has really helped me find my own voice and realise that my opinions and suggestions need to be heard. Through her career coaching, she has instilled a confidence in me which I did not have before and I cannot thank her enough for all of help. I am always recommending her to my friends and family because she is simply brilliant.
— Lola, Medical Copywriter, London UK; Public Speaking and Self Esteem Coaching Client.
I would recommend Pimmi to anyone who has come to a stalling point in their career and needs help to identify what is holding them back and stopping them from progressing to the next level. Pimmi will not only help you to identify these blockers but will provide you with techniques to help you break through them ... I plan to continue working with Pimmi to further self-develop.
— Andy, Finance Director, London.
The sessions were very helpful. I found myself able to make decisions with clarity...
— Maynard, Credit Analyst, London.